Podcast Guest Rap Sheet


Thank you for joining us on The Business of Story show.

We subscribe to the popular sales sentiment that people buy from and refer to, people they know, like and trust.

But sometimes interviews can go astray because guests aren’t properly prepared by their hosts (that’s me).

So I’ve structured our interview to help you become better known, even more likable, and totally trusted.

If you want some of this goodness, please fill out your guest rap sheet so that we can prepare for and promote your appearance.

The bummer is that you can’t save this form and come back to it. However, it only takes you or your VA a couple of minutes to complete. Once you hit Submit, please make sure you have received a confirmation email before closing this page. 

Here we go…

Guest Podcast Intake

"*" indicates required fields

Let's Get to Know You... (Oh, and here's my number if you need to reach me on the day of our recording: 602-770-1962)

If you're making us all look lazy by authoring several books, please include the title and link to the ONE you want to promote with your favorite photo of it below.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.

Nothing Increases Likability Better Than Invaluable FREE Advice...

Storytelling is about the singular opportunity/problem/solution narrative. So what's the ONE thing you will help our listeners solve?
We look forward to you sharing at least three examples using anecdotes. Yep, short stories to illustrate the problem/solution you are exploring for our listeners (you can provide a brief synopsis for each story to guide our interview).

Wanna get our listeners to REALLY like you? Share your exclusive offer for them...

As you know, nothing in life is free. So how will you amplify your "Trustworthiness" through social proof?

Where will you share your episode within 10 days of it airing?*
I promise to promote my appearance on the Business of Story by sharing a link to the show with provided graphics on these social media channels and will tag Park in posts (handles included below), scout's honor.

Will you rate & review of our show on iTunes because it helps us get found?

Copy and paste this link in your browser to rate & review: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/business-of-story/id1012379862
If you have a podcast, would you like Park on your show?
Here's how you become even more known, better liked, and, well, the trusted part is up to you...
Exclusive podcast promotion includes: - Featured 60 to 90-second promotional read within the show - Your logo in the Business of Story podcast graphics - Your logo and/or business name in our weekly podcast email - A prominent promotional line in our podcast show notes - Sole advertiser for that episode