![[John Martinson] Business of Story podcast](https://businessofstory.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/JohnMartinson_Wide.png)
#156: How a Purpose-Driven Brand Story Will Propel You and Your Business
#156: How a Purpose-Driven Brand Story Will Propel You and Your Business
Nowadays, businesses are starting to realize how truly vital it is to have a purpose-driven brand. That’s because when your brand has a true purpose behind it, your potential for success increases dramatically.
Co-founder of China Mist Tea, John Martinson, saw that success firsthand in his very own business. He saw an inconsistency in the market and took advantage of it.
Back in 1982, John and his co-founder, Dan, forever changed the landscape of restaurant iced tea. After mixing and tasting numerous different teas, they hit on the perfect combination for iced black tea. Now, fast forward 36 years and China Mist can be found in just about any place that you can dine in.
Since starting China Mist, John has developed a strong passion for sustainability and finding ways to incorporate it into every aspect of life. In fact, John and his son, Neo, are in the midst of a 6,000-mile road trip to spread the message of green living and environmentally-friendly living practices across the globe.
On this episode of the Business of Story podcast, John shares how he built his company from the ground up and made it into the purpose-driven, sustainable brand it is today.
In This Episode, You Will Learn
- The art of creating a personal selling experience within your business
- How a purpose-driven brand can take your business to the next level
- How to find sustainability in everything you do
Key Quotes
“We sought to develop a company where it is a win-win between the manufacturer and the distributor.” –John Martinson
“In that relationship between manufacturer and distributor, I wanted that same relationship between farm to table.” –John Martinson
“We didn’t go looking for the large, broadline distributors. You know, the big trucks. We wanted to set a personal selling experience and a personal serving experience.” –John Martinson
Mentioned In This Episode