#9: The Science of Storytelling
#9: The Science of Storytelling
On today’s podcast, you will hear how Harvard Ph.D and USC film school grad, Randy Olson, learned his greatest storytelling lesson from Cartman of South Park, and how you can use it, too, in your content marketing.
Far too often, we see storytellers complicating their stories to the point where it’s nearly impossible to connect with the audience. Luckily, Randy Olson has found a way to really narrow it down to a level that everyone can connect with.
Olson calls it the And, But, Therefore (ABT) method, and it is the simplest, most profound method to create the foundation for your stories.
I call the ABT the DNA of story. You’ll find it in everything from Aristotle’s Poetics to the Philosopher Hagel’s dialectics to Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address to Parker’s comedy scripts—it’s truly universal.
He has recently published a new book, Houston, We Have a Narrative: Why Science Needs Story, encouraging scientists to use the ABT method to connect with us common folk beyond the scientific terms that we just can’t relate to or understand.
In This Episode, You Will Learn
- How Randy turned his method of storytelling into a science
- The art of crafting your story in a way that anyone can connect with
- How to simplify your storytelling using the ABT method
Key Quotes
“It’s not the same world of storytelling tofay than it was 30 or 40 years ago. It’s infinitely changing.” –Randy Olson
“Always be telling stories. That’s what you want to do. Always be arching. Always be addressing problems and searching for solutions to them.” –Randy Olson
“Dude, it’s all the same story.” –Dorie Barton
Mentioned In This Episode
- Randy Olson
- “Houston, We Have a Narrative: Why Science Needs Story”
- Story Circles training
- “Don’t Be Such a Scientist”
- “Connection: Hollywood Storytelling Meets Critical Thinking”