
Sean Schroeder, Principal Partner blueriver

#121: How blueriver™ Found the Flow in Their Brand Story

#121: How blueriver™ Found the Flow in Their Brand Story

How can you rise above your competition in an oversaturated market? We’ve all found ourselves in competition with similar brands. These competitors are often doing the exact same thing as us, and sometimes they do the service better! This is a situation that makes or breaks an organization, and there seems to be only one way to survive.

Today you will learn how the right brand story separates you from the competition and leads your business to the top.

Joining us is my friend Sean Schroeder of blueriver™. Sean came to us with a brand that was struggling to find its authentic story and market position. And although his team was skeptical, he wanted to try our Story Cycle system.

In this episode, we will discuss the results of his hard work, and howblueriver™ and its Mura Digital Experience Platform found the flow of its brand story. They landed on a narrative that has always been true toblueriver™ focused on creating peak customer experiences.

They are now designing their unique category in the crowded digital and interactive industry to help them rise above their noisy a commoditized world.

In This Episode, You Will Learn

  • Why your differences make you exceptional
  • Creating your authentic brand story marketing strategy
  • How the Story Cycle system will clarify your story to grow revenue and amplify your impact…even simplify your life

Key Quotes

“Simplifying your brand’s process adds a lot of freedom to your work.” – Sean Schroeder

“Something that helped make this real for us was seeing it in practice. Watching the story cycle in action really solidified it in our mind.” – Sean Schroeder

“The key is to find that differentiator: what do you do differently and better than anyone else?” – Park Howell

“Your story is not about what you make, it’s about what you make happen.” – Park Howell

“If you’ve got the right story that is true and authentic to what you’re about, you really can’t lose.” – Park Howell

Mentioned In This Episode

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