
#393: How To Grow Your Community of Raving Fans With Business Storytelling
#393: How To Grow Your Community of Raving Fans With Business Storytelling
You know the importance of community building around your brand to grow your business.
But your community may not be growing as fast as you like because other business priorities are sucking your time and energy away from one of your most important brand-building activities.
Pablo Gonzalez, founder and CEO of BeTheStage.live, and host of the B2B Community Builder and Not Your Average Investor podcasts, is obsessed with human connection.
Pablo has seen the power of community firsthand…
When my brother passed away, I looked around the church and saw 1,200 people in standing room only. At that moment it hit me-
No matter what I thought about my Catholic faith, these people were my community, and this community lifted my family up through the hardest 2 years of our life. I could never leave this.
My mind immediately went to the fact that community is a business driver- it solves for churn.
After all, if you buy a Harley Davidson, you can’t switch to a Honda motorcycle a year later or you’ll lose all your friends. That ignited my reticular activator, and I started seeing the business case for community everywhere- lowering cost of client acquisition, increasing lifetime value, and reducing operational expenses.
It set me on what has been a nine-year journey to implement community building in business development until I cracked the code in 2020 by launching a community that generated $40M in year one for a $150M company.
That’s why he created the Relationship Flywheel – a method that takes the tedium out of growing an audience of raving fans, and generated $40M from a podcast community in just one year. His flagship product is producing internet talk shows as a way to build community while driving revenue.
Pablo points out that you’ll find the ABT (And, But, Therefore) agile narrative framework in every single show description and show invites that they produce. They’ve taught their students to use it as well. They also use it in as many social media posts as they can, and every email sent:
- Relationships are the atomic unit of business, and we all know that intuitively, but think it’s too time consuming. Therefore, creating content around your key relationships leverages your time and increases the ROI of your time.
- Having a community is the ultimate competitive advantage for a business, and the savviest entrepreneurs understand that, but they don’t consider community building a Monday morning problem. Therefore, they need a strategy that builds community in the long term while satisfying short term goals.
- Businesses need marketing to scale and spend $100s of thousands a year in SEO and ads, but have no guarantees that those leads drive revenue. Therefore, investing those resources into their highest value relationships is a better idea.
His expertise has grown non-profits, sold $60M+ construction projects, rescued fledgling start-ups, and set record-breaking quarters for $100M+ companies. Pablo has been named a Latino Leader of the Future and a Top 20 Under 40 in various publications.
Discussed in this episode:
- How to use the Relationship Flywheel
- How to ignite digital word-of-mouth marketing
- The power of the ABT (And, But, Therefore) agile narrative framework in all of Pablo’s communications.
- BeTheStage.live
- B2B Community Builder Show with Pablo Gonzalez
- Pablo Gonzalez on LinkedIn
- Pablo on Twitter
- Pablo on Instagram
- Not Your Average Investor Show podcast with Gregg Cohen and Pablo Gonzalez
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