#65: Why Conflict Resolution is at the Center of Compelling Brand Storytelling
#65: Why Conflict Resolution is at the Center of Compelling Brand Storytelling
You can use business storytelling to give people a reason to make a behavior change and to do that, you’ve just got to give customers an emotional reason to do something. But it can be difficult for us, as marketers, to get out of our business minds and into our emotional brain. Therefore, we can apply some of the best storytelling ideals from the comic book industry to humanize and have more fun with our marketing content and nudge the world in any direction we choose.
As a veteran comic-book-writer-turned-content-marketing-expert, today’s guest may be more appropriate than any other to talk about the superpower of story. Buddy Scalera has written in the “Deadpool” franchise series. He has an incredible amount of books under his belt, but more recently he’s moved on to the pharmaceutical marketing industry. Buddy just spoke at Content Marketing World, and he is one of the most entertaining and informative guests we’ve had on the podcast.
Buddy talks about how to use business storytelling to give people a reason to do something, to act, to make a behavior change. He shows us how to create more cliffhangers in our marketing so that we can enthrall our audiences. And finally, he’s going to share with us the three things he learned from the process of writing for “Deadpool” that he uses in marketing every day. So, I invite you to jump right into the wacky comic book and pharma-marketing world of Buddy Scalera.
Key Quotes:
“I think what you have to do is put yourself in the shoes of that user and what they’re going through.” —@BuddyScalera (click to tweet)
“People are the heroes of their own story.” —@BuddyScalera (click to tweet)
“Storytelling is about a hero and a conflict. Sometimes a brand is a solution to that conflict.” —@BuddyScalera (click to tweet)
“Without tension, you have no story.”—@ParkHowell (click to tweet)
Mentioned in This Episode:
- Buddy Scalera
- Buddy Scalera on Twitter, @BuddyScalera
- “Richie Rich” by Buddy Scalera
- comicbookschool.com
- wordspicturesweb.com
- Marvel Comics
- Deadpool
- Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy
- Seth Godin
- United Airlines
- Bob Hoffman
- Michael Gass