How Following Your Bliss Can Lead to Better Business
#46: How Following Your Bliss Can Lead to Better Business
Pat Solomon is an award-winning director and filmmaker who is well-known in the storytelling community as the director of Finding Joe, a film that explores the Hero’s Journey and the human psyche.
Pat joins the Business of Story podcast to discuss how story patterns are inherent in everything around us, discovering the higher purpose of the journey, and the innate storyteller inside all of us. Throughout this discussion, remember Joseph Campbell’s most important lesson: follow your bliss.
How can we use the Hero’s Journey in our own lives? In this Business of Story podcast, Pat shares insight about how we can become the heroes of our own life’s story.
These fundamental storytelling techniques will help you hone your brand story strategy for powerful, epic business stories. Then, we learn how we can use stories to impact our lives and the people around us through the use of intentional story structure like the Hero’s Journey.
After listening, start crafting your story now with one of our storytelling tools.