
#333: How to Pitch the Widest Net With Your Sales Story
#333: How to Pitch the Widest Net With Your Sales Story
You know that building and nurturing your community is the currency of this digital age. And if you capture a large, diverse and passionate audience who align with your values, then your business will explode.
But you’re not growing as you’d like because you’re still focused on one-to-one prospecting, which is time intensive, exhausting and not particularly effective.
Therefore, consider a one-to-many approach in your business development as outlined by Pamela Slim in her new book The Widest Net: Unlock Untapped Markets and Discover New Customers Right in Front of You.
Pam calls these prospecting venues filled with potential customers “watering holes.” She is an award-winning author, speaker and business coach who works with small business owners ready to scale their organizations and intellectual property.
Pam is also the author of Escape from Cubicle Nation and Body of Work.
She and her husband Darryl co-founded the K’é Main Street Learning Lab in Mesa, Arizona, where they host scores of diverse community leaders and regular small business programming.
The Widest Net demonstrates an Ecosystem Mind Map that has specific components to help you clarify your stories, namely to be clear in your mission, values, and audience. We explore why you should stop looking for individual customers and find their watering holes with the one-to-many concept, how to centralize your thought leadership through the careful choice of a Beacon and how to use stories to seed connections and build relationships.
Discussed in this episode
- Understanding and creating your business ecosystem to connect with new partners and generate new leads
- Learning how to attract the attention of new leads by showing a genuine interest of knowing what they do and how to foster authentic relationships
- Why you shouldn’t be focusing on finding partners that will simply share your message but allies that you have a unique connection with and shared values
- How to take tiny marketing actions consistently to build momentum and generate leads for the long run
- https://pamelaslim.com/
- Connect with Pamela on LinkedIn
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- Grab your copy of The Narrative Gym for Business
- Click here for your The ABT’s of Selling™ online quick course