#73: How Rewriting Your Inner Story Can Change the World
#73: How Rewriting Your Inner Story Can Change The World
You want to be both creative and organized, and all the conventional wisdom out there says that is just not possible. But your inner story still wants to be heard and that voice inside you is right; you can be creative and get things done. By listening to your inner voice, you can cultivate the most supportive and successful story that will help you accomplish your goals and change your story to a fulfilling one for you and your brand.
The timing is perfect for today’s special guest since we’re all setting goals during this time of year. She will be sharing with you ways, especially for the creative mind, to get your head around a goal setting strategy that is truly going to work for you.
Samantha Bennett is the Founder of The Organized Artist Company and an author of multiple books. “Start Right Where You Are: How Little Changes can Make a Big Difference for Overwhelmed Procrastinators, Frustrated Overachievers, And Recovering Perfectionists” is the one I’ve been reading. It’s a hefty title with hefty results. Let’s jump in!
In This Show, You’ll Learn:
- What you can do right now to help get yourself more organized
- How to recognize when you have trapped yourself in a story and how to find the power to change that story
- Why it’s so important to be present and accept your feelings before moving on
Key Quotes
“I think our rational brain gets too much credit.” —@OrgArtCo (click to tweet)
“Show up and do the work.” —@OrgArtCo (click to tweet)
“Before you check your email. Spend fifteen minutes a day on the projects that matter most to you. ” —@OrgArtCo (click to tweet)
Mentioned in This Episode
- Samantha Bennett
- Samantha Bennett on Twitter, @OrgArtCo
- The Organized Artist Company
- “Start Right Where You Are” by Samantha Bennett
- “Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day” by Samantha Bennett
- LA Theatre Works
- “The Workshop Book” by Samantha Bennett