#60: How to Use Brand Storytelling for Crisis Management
#60: How to Use Brand Storytelling for Crisis Management
If you’ve been following along with the Business of Story, you know that we’ve recorded about 60 episodes so far. Our special guest today covers a subject we have not yet touched upon: crisis story management.
I was introduced to our guest through our wonderful producer, Jess, at Don’t Panic Management. We had a chance to talk on the phone prior to this show as I was racing across Arizona, and it was a fun conversation because although I was driving through some spotty service areas, I was so excited to hear what she had to tell me. It was like our own mini-crisis to begin! Her name is Melissa Agnes and she’s part of the team at Agnes + Day, which is all about crisis story management. As we were chatting about some of the crazy stuff that’s happening in our lives, things that we’re watching right now, from Wells Fargo to Samsung to the Presidential Campaign trail, I just knew I had to get her on the show.
Today we’re going to talk about owning that brand story in the right ways and the authentic ways, and what happens when you don’t own it properly. We’re always going to have crises in our lives, that’s just the way it works, so how do we deal with that as brand storytellers? How do we mitigate the damages that are going to come out of it, whether we caused it or whether it happened to us? Listen in to hear Melissa’s nuggets of wisdom for embracing your brand story and preparing an intentional plan before a crisis presents itself.
Key Quotes:
“It’s so important to get your story out there as quick as possible, but not to spin.” —Melissa Agnes (click to tweet)
“The longer you wait to tell your story in a crisis, the more you lose control of the story and the more in crisis you become.” —Melissa Agnes (click to tweet)
“There’s this balance between timeliness and accuracy.” —Melissa Agnes (click to tweet)
“It’s hard to build trust, and even harder to regain it.” – Park Howell (click to tweet)
Mentioned in This Episode:
- Melissa Agnes
- Melissa Agnes on Twitter, @melissa_agnes
- Agnes + Day Inc.
- How I Built This: NPR
- Don’t Panic Management
- Boston Marathon Bombings
- “We Are Legion”
- Anonymous
- BP
- Deepwater Horizon
- Wells Fargo’s Crisis Management Fail
- Are Airlines Being Descriptive Enough in their Galaxy Note 7 Warning?
- Sara Blakely