#25: Who’s Your Hero? Creating Customer Personas for Your B2B Marketing
#25: Who’s Your Hero? Creating Customer Personas for Your B2B Marketing
Spoiler alert: The hero in your business stories is not you, your brand or its products and services. It’s your customer. They should be at the center of every brand story you tell.
This is why buyer personas are critical to your brand’s success. Ardath Albee, B2B marketing strategist and CEO of Marketing Interactions, discusses the importance of understanding your core audience and developing customer insights for a successful content strategy.
Ardath’s book, Digital Relevance: Developing Marketing Content and Strategies that Drive Results, teaches readers the knowledge, strategies, and skills to instantly engage customers and compel them to action.
Ardath also published this informative PDF guide, The Brand Advocate Persona, that’s worth adding to your customer profiling tools.
Discover the components of a buyer persona and how you can develop successful, hyper-relevant content for your audience through business storytelling on this Business of Story podcast.