ABT Resources
ABT In Marketing Resources
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The Applied Science of Storytelling
They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing
Excerpt from Houston, We Have a Narrative” on the 3 forms of the ABT
Nicholas Kristof’s Advice for Saving the World
‘Data-Driven’ Campaigns Are Killing the Democratic Party by Dave Gold on Politico
#219: Can Story Structure Make Your Content Viral? with KeithKeith Quesenberry
#257: Words That Work in Your Brand Storytelling with Candice Frazer
Pioneering coach George Raveling’s surprising connection to MLK
The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers by Christopher Vogler
The Bewitchery of Story
Adelante Sustainable Healthcare Case Story
Avein Saaty-Tafoya on the Business of Story Podcast
Avnie & Dr. Sham Shridharani on the Business of Story podcast