
Joy Spencer

#477: Learn the C.R.E.A.T.E. Process to Reframe Your Story Into a Powerful Brand

#477: Learn the C.R.E.A.T.E. Process to Reframe Your Story Into a Powerful Brand

How are you uniquely gifted?

I mean, what do you bring to the world through your curiosity, passion, and talent that no one else can?

And how do you express it through your personal and professional brand stories?

But you might be thinking, “I don’t know. I’m not sure I have a particular ability that people care about.”

Well, you’re not alone because in my experience lots of people tumble through life stumbling over their unique god-given gifts without realizing the impact they could have if they just embraced them.

Our guest today, Joy Spencer, founder of Reframe to Create shares her C.R.E.A.T.E. process. It will help you identify your gifts and share them with the world.

Joy is an executive & storytelling coach, podcast host, speaker, and organizational development consultant who focuses on leveraging narrative and story to build strategic alignment on teams.

She earned a Masters in International Educational Development from Columbia University’s Teachers College and a Bachelors in Economics from The College of William and Mary.

Joy’s experience includes 20 years of advocacy, research, and championing positive change in social movements driving for global access to essential medicines, consumer advocacy for online privacy, public health, and diaspora investments.

Her motto is,

“You can only go as far as who you are.”

She encourages leaders and teams to unearth their stories and reframe the underlying narratives that shape, drive or inhibit their transformational growth.

Through the art of storytelling and narrative (re)building she drives for improved leadership capacity and the greater strategic alignment that comes from clarity of vision and purpose.


  1. Storytelling creates connection and inspires action.
  2. Reframing our stories can lead to personal growth and transformation.
  3. The CREATE framework helps individuals clarify their unique contribution, reframe their environment, express their gifts, activate their gifts for others, track feedback, and evolve their work.
  4. Creating for the sake of creating and helping at least one other person is valuable.
  5. Feedback and evolution are essential for growth and improvement.


  • 00:00 Introduction and Background
  • 03:42 The Power of Storytelling and Connection
  • 08:39 Reframing Our Stories
  • 15:26 Taking the Leap into the Unknown
  • 19:25 Creating for the Sake of Creating
  • 29:14 The Value of Helping at Least One Person
  • 36:33 The C.R.E.A.T.E. Framework


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