
#344: How to Tap Into the Innate Power of Your Brain Stories
#344: How to Tap Into the Innate Power of Your Brain Stories
The stories we tell each other and ourselves influence everything. Whether it’s presenting to your customer on how your business will help them, pitching your startup to a potential investor or being able to inspire your team to make big changes.
But it’s the personal narratives you are telling yourself, the stories your brain comes up with that are holding you back from creating the reality you want.
My guest today will teach you how to flip the script in your BS (brain stories) and tap into the full potential of that brain magic. Jocelyn Brady is a writer, edutainer and professional brain jostler who thrives at the intersection of comedy, storytelling and unraveling the mysteries of the human brain. When she’s not being the Bill Nye of the brain (as the creator and host of Tiny Tips for Your Brain on YouTube), Jocelyn applies her certified Brain Coaching chops to help creative visionaries tap their brains’ greatest potential.
In her past life as an award-winning copywriter, Creative Director and agency CEO-Jocelyn led narrative strategy and international storytelling training for some of the world’s biggest brands. She also produced and co-hosted Party Time, a standup comedy and storytelling show featuring talent who went on to write or perform for Conan, Colbert and Comedy Central. All while managing to keep her two cats and houseplants alive.
Jocelyn’s first book, tentatively titled Your Brain is a Magical Asshat, is slated for publication next year.
Tune in to learn how you can turn your brain stories into gold using Jocelyn’s 5 part S-T-O-R-Y framework using the acronym of STORY as your guide. We’ll also explore the importance of play in your work and storytelling and why she considers the brain that magical asshat and how you can put that asshat to work for you.
Discussed in this episode
- What brain stories actually mean
- Examples of how to use the STORY acronym to get the results you want
- How to turn your unexpected twists in life into the best and most memorable stories
- How to elevate your narrative within your business to better connect your team
- Building self-awareness with the internal language you are using
- Giving yourself permission to play more and have fun to connect you to what drives you at your core
- Knowing your death bed regrets and how you can overcome your fears and create what you most want before you die
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- https://www.scribestorystudios.com/
- Download Jocelyn’s free Brain Reframer
- Follow Jocelyn on YouTube
- Connect with Jocelyn on LinkedIn
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- Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman
- Listen to Episode 337: How to Turn Turmoil into Triumph With Your Story with Sean Entin
- Grab your copy of The Narrative Gym for Business
- Click here for your The ABT’s of Selling™ online quick course