
Robert McKee

#462: How to Replace Mind-Numbing Business Rhetoric With Inspiring Storytelling

#462: How to Replace Mind-Numbing Business Rhetoric With Inspiring Storytelling

You want to inspire your people with a gripping story that paints your company’s compelling vision and mission.

But you may be losing your team because so many leaders try to coerce with rhetoric rather than cajole with a story.

Legendary Hollywood story consultant and author of Storynomics: Story-Driven Marketing in the Post-Advertising World, Robert McKee illustrates the difference between the typical boring-2-bored business communications and the enchanting power of brand storytelling.

This is an encore replay of my interview with McKee from 2017 when he launched Storynomics. 

The beautiful thing about the timeless nature of storytelling is that his insights from this show are more relevant today than ever.

At the start of this episode, I take you on my journey when I first met McKee at his famous Story Seminar and how his wife Mia invited me to interview Robert in the living room of their Connecticut home for my podcast.

The only problem was that I didn’t actually have the Business of Story podcast at the time. So I improvised and published 10 segments I called “McKee Mondays” on SoundCloud as a beta test for my future show.

Then, once I launched The Business of Story podcast, he came on my show two more times.

This is the replay from his second visit.

Discussed in This Episode:

  1. The importance of replacing rhetoric is motivating business stories
  2. Why the problem/solution dynamic is so important to capture your people’s attention.
  3. Why business leaders fear the honesty of storytelling.
  4. The importance of surprise in your business storytelling.
  5. How to arouse the curiosity of your audience and fulfill their expectations.


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