
Cheryl Hunter

#463: How to Use Your Personal Brand Story as a Superpower

#463: How to Use Your Personal Brand Story as a Superpower

You, like everyone, has had highs and lows in your life. These are the moments that shape who you are and inform your unique expertise the world needs to hear about.

But sharing your story, especially the unsettling dark days, is often hard because you’re afraid that people won’t respect you for what you’ve been through.

Cheryl Hunter hid her story of being abducted, abused and left for dead for years because she feared what people would think.

But it is this event in her life that has shaped her expertise as model, media personality, and personal branding coach.

Now she freely shares her story everywhere to help others find the courage to do the same.


Cheryl Hunter has been featured worldwide by major media outlets including People Magazine, Goalcast, Dr. Phil, NBC News, Dr. Oz, CNN, Fox, PBS and more.

She believes in the potential that the right message can change the world. So in addition to writing and producing for HBO, CBS, Paramount Pictures, and NBC, Cheryl and her team of major media gatekeepers help mission-driven experts leverage the power of major media to get their message, story, and business known by millions.

Forbes Magazine said,

“Cheryl has something very important to teach about reaching your fullest potential on this planet.”

If you have a story to tell – and who doesn’t – but you haven’t found the courage to tell it, this episode is for you.

Discussed in This Episode:

  1. The power that finally sharing my own story (of being kidnapped and left for dead as a teen) had in my ability to share my work with hundreds of millions around the world.
  2. How to turn your expertise into a compelling brand story.
  3. Sharing personal stories can be challenging but is essential in creating a meaningful connection.
  4. Start with the impact and relevance of your story, rather than focusing on your attributes.
  5. Media training can help individuals effectively communicate their brand story.


  • Introduction and Cheryl’s Media Empire
  • 09:09 Traumatic Experience in France
  • 26:08 Crafting an Impactful Brand Story
  • 37:46 Using Fictional Stories to Influence
  • 52:28 Media Training and Relationship Building


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