#89: Why You Must Move from Adverbs to Adventures in Your Storytelling Marketing
#89: Why You Must Move from Adverbs To Adventures In Your Story Marketing
Your customers don’t want to hear about what you make. They want a story about what you make happen. That’s why Robert Rose urges you to transform your marketing department into a storytelling department. Turn your adverbs and adjectives into adventures in your story marketing to move your audiences to action.

Robert Rose, Content Marketing and Customer Experience Consultant
Our guest today has us covered in storytelling from music to Hollywood to creating stories for the largest brands. He’s a sought-after social content marketing strategist, speaker, author, and conspirator of business success.
Robert is the chief strategy officer for the content advisory, the consulting and education group for the Content Marketing Institute.
He co-hosts This Old Marketing podcast with Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute. He also co-wrote a book with Joe called “Managing Content Marketing,” which is widely considered to be the owners manual of the content marketing process.
Robert has helped develop content and customer experience strategies for large enterprises such as Oracle, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Allstate Insurance, Microsoft, Capital One, AT&T, PEPCO, UPS—and the list just keeps going!
In This Episode, You’ll Learn
- How to transform your marketing department into a storytelling institute
- The biggest mistake most people make in content marketing
- Why you should move your advertising marketing and sales content from featuring adverbs to focusing on adventures
Key Quotes
“Build those strategic initiatives, those platforms that will help you tell your story that delivers value over time and build that audience so that you get the value of all the content you’re creating, not just the individual assets that you’re creating.” – Robert Rose
“I’m a big believer in when people say, ‘content is king.’ Then I say, ‘Storytelling is the kingdom sorcerer,’ because that’s where the magic happens.” – Park Howell
“It’s about helping individuals understand there is another world out there for content that can actually be valuable to the customer – and they can tell stories with.” – Robert Rose
“Turn your adverbs into adventures to move your audience to action.” – Park Howell
“We can put adjectives in front of nouns, and we can talk about synergies, paradigms, and all sorts of stuff that we’re good at it. We can do those things well, but the creation of content for value sake for the audience is a different muscle. It’s about delivering value in the content.” – Robert Rose
Mentioned In The Show
- Robert Rose
- Robert Rose on Twitter
- contentadvisory.net
- Content Marketing Institute (CMI)
- Joe Pulizzi
- “Managing Content Marketing” by Robert Rose
- Oracle
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Jay Baer
- The Hero’s Journey
- Red Shoe Diaries
- Ben Folds
- Joseph Campbell
- Chapman University
- “Save the Cat” by Blake Snyder
- “Story” by Robert McKee
This podcast appears in the eighth issue of the Business of Story online magazine, Victory is at Hand: Celebrating With Your Customers