#114: Sonic Storytelling: How to Create A Legendary Brand With The Power of Sound
#114: Sonic Storytelling: How to Create A Legendary Brand With The Power of Sound
Every day dozens of brands sneak into your mind. This genius performance of brand marketing happens on a level so subtle, you often won’t recognize it has happened. How is this possible?
In recent years, brand strategists have begun to harness a powerful yet underutilized tool; audio. TV commercials, radio ads, even ringtones can bring a message to millions of customers with a well-placed sound bite.
Today you will learn the power of sounds.
Founder of CMoore Sounds, Connor Moore is a world-renowned sound designer and composer who uses his experience to help develop a brand’s Sonic ID. Sound design is a critical aspect of any multimedia project, and the right audio can turn a good brand into a legendary brand.
We explore the ideas of Sonic Branding, how subliminal music can be most effective and telling a story through music. Would you have ever guessed you could create a story without words? Connor will show you how.
In This Show, You’ll Learn
- The power found in iconic sonic brands
- How music subtly but powerfully rounds out the brand experience
- Where sonic storytelling is headed and how you can use it in your business
Key Quotes
- “Sound is proven to touch people on a very visceral or emotional level that other mediums cant.” – Connor Moore
- “Sound design is ultimately about creating an experience and telling a brand’s story through audio.” – Connor Moore
- “It’s one thing if you just deliver music for the brand, but if it doesn’t meet the customer’s experience, you’re in trouble.” – Connor Moore
- “Music is more powerful when you understand the background story and history.” – Connor Moore
- “When music is written well, you don’t even notice it. It comes in and works.” – Park Howell
Mentioned in this episode
- Connor Moore
- Connor Moore Twitter
- CMoore Sound
- NPR Marketplace Interview with Connor Moore
- Fender Stratocaster
- Score
- Hello
- Max Richter
- Verifone
- Kuri