
#371: How to Grow Your Brand Like a Weed With Storytelling
#371: How to Grow Your Brand Like a Weed With Storytelling
Gosh, we’d all love hyper-growth for our business. We dutifully fertilize, water and nurture our brand like cultivating a prized rose.
But what if you’re not getting the blossoming sales you seek because you’re spending way too much time focused on the wrong growing techniques?
What if the real answer is to thrive like an unattended weed?
Wouldn’t you kill for a Jack and the Beanstock-like secret to growth?
It starts by seeding your growth with storytelling.
Today, you’ll hear how with Stu Heinecke, a Wall Street Journal cartoonist and best-selling author including his new book, How to Grow Your Business Like a Weed: A Complete Strategy for Unstoppable Growth.
Stu is the twice-nominated hall of fame marketer, NASDAQ Entrepreneurial Center author in residence, and was named the father of contact marketing by the American Marketing Association.
“I was driving down the freeway when I saw a dandelion growing out of a crack in the concrete. I was struck by how resilient and adaptable weeds are, and how they always have an unfair advantage. This got me thinking about how we could apply the same principles to business. How to Grow Your Business Like a Weed lays out a complete model for exclusive business growth based on the strategies, attributes and tools weeds use to grow, expand, dominate and defend their territory. ”
Discussed in this episode:
- How businesses can borrow from the strategies of weeds to grow quickly and effectively.
- How stories spread the word about your business in an engaging way.
- The unfair advantages that businesses can leverage to their benefit.
- The eight levels of strategy
- The Vine Strategy
- The Root and Soil Strategy
- Stu Heinecke author site: Get first two chapters FREE.
- How to Grow Your Business Like a Weed on Amazon
- How to Get a Meeting With Anyone on Amazon
- Stu on LinkedIn
- Stu on Twitter
- Stu on YouTube
- Stu on Facebook
Related Episodes You’ll Love:
- #370: How to Overcome Stigma With Your Story
- #367: How to Use Agile Communications to Scale Your Growth
- #318: The One Narrative Framework You Need for Effective Business Storytelling
Storytelling Strength Builders:
Start your The ABT’s of Branding™ online quick course now.
Click here for your The ABT’s of Selling™ online quick course.
Grab your copy of The Narrative Gym for Business to hone your ABTs.
Craft your brand story strategy today.
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