#25: Who’s Your Hero? Creating Customer Personas for Your B2B Marketing
#25: Who’s Your Hero? Creating Customer Personas for Your B2B Marketing
Spoiler alert: The hero in your business stories is not you, your brand or its products and services. It’s your customer. They should be at the center of every brand story you tell. (more…)

How to Find the Story in Your Story
Enjoy the adventure of your craft I was pretty fearless in my teens and twenties. I figured out how to get myself to Switzerland as an exchange student at sixteen,…

Who are You For in Your Brand Story?
No, really — who are you for? (And before you get all fidgety about “who” versus “whom,” I know it’s “whom.” But few of us talk like that in real…

How to Build Empathy in Your Leadership Stories
Business storytelling is about more than just engaging and captivating You want to help your customers, employees, and other stakeholders. You want to tell stories to influence, motivate, and lead.…

10 surefire questions to ask when creating audience personas for your purpose-driven brand
Every story starts with empathy I love Jack Handey. His Deep Thoughts from Saturday Night Live always cracked me up. I came across the one above last week while reading Originals, How Non-Conformists…

What happens when you place your audience at the center of your brand story
Madcap Theater in Tempe, AZ now knows that the best brand stories always star the audience. This fun Friday evening word of mouth marketing stunt made a fashion runway out of a sidewalk…
NEW ebook: The 5 Stages of Grief in Telling YOUR Business Story
Download your FREE ebook to learn how to use your own stories to increase your personal influence, clarify your professional brand story, and grow your company, sales, and people. #StoryOn!

This Issue's Contributors

#97: How to Play Bigger And Dominate a Category With the Brand Story You Own
#97: How To Play Bigger And Dominate A Category
Most people believe that the best product wins. That used to be true when consumers had fewer choices. But today we have abundant competing products and services. Therefore, defining a new and unique category for your offering is what will separate you from your competition and ensure your survival. (more…)

Growing from Startup to Scale-Up
Starting a business has never been easier, but growing a startup and scaling it to become a big business is harder than ever. Most who try get stuck or hit…

Don’t Invent Your Story, Spotlight it!
As a brand creator, I talk with a lot of entrepreneurs who are worried and lost when it comes to thinking about using their story to grow their business. They…

How to Create Your Personal Brand Story to Grow Your Business
I’ve learned the importance of creating my personal brand story when I launched my own consultancy a decade ago. I had led new business for a number of advertising agencies…

4 Easy Steps to Clarify Your Brand Position Statement
Every epic brand story starts with a positioning statement that differentiates you from the masses Leo Tolstoy, the famous Russian author, wrestled with the existential crisis of finding meaning in…

Brand Story Reframing: From Water Utility to Experts at Scarce Resource Management
The first step in the Story Cycle brand authoring process is to establish your backstory: the setting of your story. We ask three questions to spark conversation what your brand’s…
NEW: Interactive Business of Story Brand Workbook
This NEW, fully interactive workbook with video tutorials will guide you through the proven 10-step Story Cycle process to help you craft and tell a compelling brand story that will sell like never before.

This Issue's Contributors