Park Howell
#429: Ch. 7, Journey: How to Increase Customer Engagement Through the Stories You Tell
#429: Ch. 7, Journey: How to Increase Customer Engagement Through the Stories You Tell
#429: Ch. 7, Journey: How to Increase Customer Engagement Through the Stories You Tell
You can find a number of customer journey maps that outline several important steps to help you turn prospects into life-long customers.
It’s critical to understand what stories to tell at each of the common customer journey steps including awareness, consideration, decision, purchase, retention, advocacy, etc.
But it’s complicated because there are many chapters to consider as your customer buys into your brand narrative and becomes part of your story. And every step requires its own story strategy.
We’ve made it easy by breaking your customer journey down to just three acts (you know, like a story).
- Brand Awareness
- Brand Adoption
- Brand Appreciation
We felt the need to simplify a truly effective customer journey strategy.
In Chapter 7 of Brand Bewitchery called “Journey,” you’ll learn how to use our AAA (Awareness, Adoption, Appreciation) customer journey map and more importantly, what stories to tell in each act based on your nine one-word descriptors from Chapter 6 called “Mentor”.
What stories do you tell when your prospect is just learning about your brand offering to invite them into experiencing your brand?
Or what stories do you tell to help them overcome the stories they are already telling themselves about your brand, your industry, or your competition? These may be anti-stories that you will have to overcome with a better story.
Jef Bezos is famous for saying your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.
To be more specific, I believe that your brand is the story people tell about you when you’re not in the room.
What stories do you tell and invite them into once they are in ACT II of Brand Adoption?
They are now active participants in your brand story. You want to be certain that you are not only delivering on the promises you make with your stories but also helping them recognize the progress they are making by investing time, money and effort in your offering.
A great story is always shareable and scaleable. So what stories do you tell in ACT III of Brand Appreciation that encourages your customers to share your story with their world?
This, of course, leads to the most powerful form of advertising: FREE word-of-mouth marketing.
Discussed in this episode:
- How to capture your brand stories in the wild using your nine one-word descriptors developed from Chapter 6 of Brand Bewitchery.
- Examples of brand stories that support your unique value proposition.
- The three acts of the Brand Bewitchery customer journey that you can leverage to grow your revenue.
- Grab your copy of Brand Bewitchery: How to Wield the Story Cycle System™ to Craft Spellbinding Stories for Your Brand
- FREE Worksheet: Mapping Your Customer Journey
- Read Vol. VII of the Business of Story online magazine: The Road of Trials: Mapping Your Customer Journey
- Watch my short video series on how to use the Story Cycle System™ to craft spellbinding stories for your brand.
Listen to the Other Chapters of Brand Bewitchery:
- #420: Ch. 1, Backstory: How to Clarity Your Brand Story for Deliberate Growth
- #421: Ch. 2, Heroes: How to Understand Your Customers to Build a Tribe
- #423: Ch. 3, Stakes: How to Connect With the Wishes and Wants of Your Customers
- #424: Ch. 4, Disruption: How Your Unique Value Proposition Will Win the Day
- #426: Ch. 5, Antagonists: How to Capitalize on Competitive Forces
- #427: Ch. 6, Mentor: How to Humanize Your Brand With its Promise, Gift, and Personality
Your Storytelling Resources:
Connect with me:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/parkhowell/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BusinessOfStory
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ssjBuBiQjG9PHRgq4Fu6A
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ParkHowell
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/parkhowell/
- Website: https://businessofstory.com/abt/