The Business of Story Podcast with Host Park Howell just named the Business of Story the #1 business storytelling podcast for 2022.

Hosted by Park Howell, known as the world’s most industrious storyteller, the Business of Story is ranked among the top 10% of downloaded podcasts internationally.

The goal of the show is to help sales and marketing leaders excel through the stories they tell.  Each episode brings you the brightest storytelling content creators, advertising creatives, authors, screenwriters, makers, marketers, and brand raconteurs that show you how to craft and tell compelling stories that sell. #StoryOn!

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  • “Outstanding show. A must listen.”
  • “I love the amount of tactical, strategic, and inspirational content in this podcast.”
  • “An excellent resource for business communicators.”
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Pete Sena on Business of Story Podcast

Pete Sena, Founder of Digital Surgeons

#186: How the Medium Magnifies Your Message

#186: How the Medium Magnifies Your Message

The media you choose, the channels you select, determine the kind of message you will share to connect with your audience. And most of us use our analytical left brain to understand what drives our customers. But this only covers what we believe is the logical behavioral side, and isn’t capturing the full picture of what customers want and need.

Therefore, in this week’s episode, discover a revolutionary way of understanding audiences and how to effectively communicate using an interesting combination of algorithms and anecdotes. 


Zeke Zelker, Filmmaker and Transmedia Pioneer

#185: How to Grow Your Brand via Transmedia Storytelling

#185: How to Grow Your Brand via Transmedia Storytelling

The way we typically consume stories is how they are told — starting from the beginning to the finale. But it’s important to realize that not all stories are linear. Therefore, on this week’s show, we’re exploring a non-linear approach to telling stories using a variety of media channels to scale the same story. (more…)

Bruno Sarda on Business of Story Podcast

Bruno Sarda, Head of Sustainability at NRG

#184: How to Open Minds With Your Brand Story

#184: How to Open Minds With Your Brand Story

One of the most contentious issues among our political leaders is climate change, and the Green New Deal is furthering the conversation and the divide. But many leaders of purpose-driven brands are finding new ways to frame sustainability as a tremendous business opportunity. So how do you use your brand storytelling to open minds, especially when attempting to bring polarized worlds together?


Jonathan Haidt, Author

#183: How Your Stories Can Unite Divided People

#183: How Your Stories Can Unite Divided People

Why is happiness elusive? Why can’t it be as easy as knowing what makes you happy and doing exactly that? Think about it. Later, you’ll come to realize your important role in resolving this dilemma. In the pursuit of elusive happiness, we can use stories to connect even the greatest divides.

It is a privilege to have Jonathan Haidt on this week’s Business of Story podcast. Jonathan is an American social psychologist who wrote the book The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom. In this book, he explored the relationship between modern science and ancient philosophies like Buddhism and Stoicism. Using the metaphor of the elephant and the rider, he rationalized that the subconscious mind is constantly at war with our conscious mind. That’s the reason why our actions are often the exact opposite of what we’re thinking or feeling.

Jonathan Haidt, The Coddling of the American Mind, brand storytelling

What is it that divides us? Jonathan touches on the subject in his book The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided By Politics and Religion, showcasing how moral judgments arise from gut feelings, and why many of us have such different intuitions about right and wrong.

In his new book, The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting Up a Generation for Failure, Haidt, with his co-author Greg Lukianoff, the president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, reveal how we can overcome the polarization we’re now seeing in universities as the iGen. Or Gen Z, kids born in 1995 and beyond.

How can we conquer this division through storytelling and link our worlds together? In this episode, find out how


Doug Passon on Business of Story Podcast

Doug Passon, Defense Attorney turned Filmmaker

#182: How Defense Attorneys Use Cinematic Storytelling to Reduce Sentences

182: How Defense Attorneys Use Cinematic Storytelling to Reduce Sentences

In 1995, a convict of a federal drug case was given a reduced sentence of probation. Why? The judge saw a video of him taking care of his wife who was very sick. The video showed how his wife’s entire life depended on him. Most importantly, it showed who will be affected most by the judge’s decision — the sick and dying wife who didn’t have anything to do with the crime.

That alone influenced the judge’s decision because it appealed to his human side. That’s the power empathy has.


Steve Woodruff Business of Story Podcast

Steve Woodruff, Author

#181: Why A Clear Brand Story Gets You Heard and Referred

#181: Why A Clear Brand Story Gets You Heard and Referred

Back in 2013, I was working with different executives for the Sustainability Leadership Program for Arizona State University. I was one of three speakers and after I was introduced, the executives’ reaction was, “Oh, the soft skills guy!”

Little did I know, there was already warfare between technical hard skills and communications soft skills. A recent report from the World Economic Forum revealed the 10 most in-demand skills in business according to LinkedIn. Hitting the top spots are creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability and time management.  Apparently, as technology advances, the employers’ need for soft skills from their employees also advances.

At the core of each of these skills is the ability to tell a clear and concise story.


Wanita Z-Fourie Business of Story Podcast

Wanita Zoghby-Fourie, Founder of The Online Business Academy

#180: How to be an Authentic Brand Storyteller on Social Media

#180: How to be an Authentic Brand Storyteller on Social Media

This week, we’re doing something different from the past 179 episodes. It’s my turn to be on the hot seat and my guest, Wanita Z-Fourie, will be the one asking the questions. In this show, we discuss how to use storytelling to grow your following.


LISA ROTHSTEIN Business of Story Podcast

Lisa Rothstein, The New Yorker Cartoonist

#179: How to Draw out Your Genius With Visual Storytelling

#179: How to Draw out Your Genius With Visual Storytelling

Have you ever been telling a story and your words failed you? I don’t mean that you didn’t have a word for what you’re thinking or feeling. But they weren’t enough to express exactly what you wanted to say, or your audience wasn’t understanding the message.

The illustration Lisa drew for me to outline my TEDxGilbert Talk


Pete Walsh Business of Story Podcast

Pete Walsh, Family Business Performance Coach

#178: How Leadership Storytelling Will Build a Family Business

#178: How Leadership Storytelling Will Build a Family Business

Sometimes, what should be a source of pride, financial security, and wealth for the family becomes a source of heartache, dysfunction, and conflict. The want for power and control is what separates families in business together. This is why it’s essential to have leadership coaches who can teach the essence of storytelling in building a successful family business.


ANDREA CADELLI Business of Story Podcast

Andrea Cadelli, Author

#177: The Power of Self-Narrative to Design Your Future

#177: The Power of Self-Narrative to Design Your Future

This episode holds a special spot in my heart because my father, Keith Clinton Howell, passed away recently. We recorded this episode three days after he was buried and I felt he was the one who led today’s guest to the show. My guest is someone who went through severe losses –family members, a job she really loved – and came out kicking. Surprisingly, hitting rock bottom and going through the lowest point in our lives can help unravel our most powerful story. (more…)