
Melissa Kwan

#380: How to Make Your Sales Story Land Right the First Time

#380: How to Make Your Sales Story Land Right the First Time

If you’re using proven storytelling structures like the ABT (And, But, Therefore) agile narrative framework, then your messages are clearer and have a much greater speed to impact.

But do you feel like you’re wasting time sharing the same sales story, onboarding session or training over and over again? Even though you have your story straight, you are getting bored telling it.

Today’s guest had the same problem as she found herself burning valuable time hosting the same webinar countless times. It was eating at her freedom to do the things she really loved. So she did something about it.

Melissa is the co-founder and CEO of eWebinar, an automated webinar solution that combines pre-recorded video with real-time interactions and live chat to deliver an engaging experience for attendees.

eWebinar is the byproduct of Melissa living in “webinar hell” for five years in her previous startup. By automating her storytelling, over 2,000 people have joined the eWebinar demo on their own time in the last 10 months, 25% converted (signed up for free trial) on their own without talking to a soul.

She believes that the power of storytelling can be scaled once you nail that pitch 🙂

“As a startup founder, all I do is tell stories every day. Stories to inspire my cofounder, my team, and my customers. One of the things I do best is to sell something that doesn’t exist yet and to get a business going from 0 to 1, and that’s all storytelling,” Melissa said.

  • A lot of times, what you are saying is not what’s being heard. The best salespeople know how to align the two
  • By using a framework to tell your story, you can guide people to your desired outcome
  • Nobody is born a great salesperson, sales is a science which means anyone can get really good at it

Melissa spent 10 years with two startups (eWebinar is her third) and for eight of those 10 years, she struggled to get things going.

“There were many times that I could have and should have failed, but I kept pushing through and luckily, my previous startup was acquired in 2019. Going through those 10 years was almost like going through 10 years of school, which has given me the knowledge and experience to do what I do today.,” she said.

Discussed in this episode:

Mui Nei, Vietnam at sunset with its round boats.












  • Melissa’s five-step process is to make sure that what you’re saying is actually being heard.
  • How you can automate your repetitive and tedious tasks of giving the same sales demo, onboarding, or training.
  • How to make your message land right the first time.
  • The Practical Founders podcast with Greg Head


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Storytelling Strength Builders:

Try our NEW ABT’s of Agile Communications now!










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Click here for your The ABT’s of Selling™ online quick course.










Grab your copy of The Narrative Gym for Business to hone your ABTs.











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