The Business of Story Podcast with Host Park Howell just named the Business of Story the #1 business storytelling podcast for 2022.

Hosted by Park Howell, known as the world’s most industrious storyteller, the Business of Story is ranked among the top 10% of downloaded podcasts internationally.

The goal of the show is to help sales and marketing leaders excel through the stories they tell.  Each episode brings you the brightest storytelling content creators, advertising creatives, authors, screenwriters, makers, marketers, and brand raconteurs that show you how to craft and tell compelling stories that sell. #StoryOn!

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134+ FIVE STAR reviews from our fans and couple of trolls:

  • “Awesome, actionable and INTERESTING.”
  • “Captivating and informative.”  
  • “Outstanding show. A must listen.”
  • “I love the amount of tactical, strategic, and inspirational content in this podcast.”
  • “An excellent resource for business communicators.”
  • “Blown away!”

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Erik Deckers

Erik Deckers, Author of No Bullshit and Branding Yourself

#126: How to Tell Your Brand Story on Purpose With Social Media

#126: How to Tell Your Brand Story on Purpose with Social Media

I just read a 2013 study on U.S. media consumption that said we consume 33 gigabytes of information per person per day. That was five years ago. Imagine the growth in media consumption now. (more…)

Charlotte Vitak, Founder of My Story Project

#125: How to Find Your Story to Create a New Beginning in 2018

#125: How to Find Your Story to Create a New Beginning in 2018

Throughout the past 124 episodes of The Business of Story podcast, we have focused on helping you find your story and communicate it to the best of your ability.

Telling your own authentic narrative is one of the most important skills in any aspect of your life. Creating your own story is critical, but what if it was possible to use your story to help others craft their own? (more…)

Sandra Younger, Author of Fire Outside My Window

#124: How to Turn Your Stories of Loss Into an Empowering Legacy

#124: How to Turn Your Stories of Loss Into an Empowering Legacy

For those of us who have experienced a great loss or traumatic event, waking up the next day and continuing life might seem an impossible task. (more…)

Cassie Roma, GM New Zealand Media & Entertainment

#123: How to Tell Brand Stories on Purpose that Resonate with Your Audiences

#123: How to Tell Brand Stories on Purpose that Resonate with Your Audiences

We all know that story brand marketing is more than just selling your product. It’s about creating an unbreakable bond between your customers and yourself through an authentic, emotional appeal. (more…)

Jim Ward, President & CEO of the Phoenix Symphony Association

#122: How a Hollywood Veteran Saved a Symphony With a Purpose-Driven Brand Story

#122: How a Hollywood Veteran Saved a Symphony With a Purpose-Driven Brand Story

Telling the right story can help you in every situation.

Even if you’re a novice who’s transferred into a completely new field, the ability to create the right narrative will make you an invaluable asset to your team. (more…)

Sean Schroeder, Principal Partner blueriver

#121: How blueriver™ Found the Flow in Their Brand Story

#121: How blueriver™ Found the Flow in Their Brand Story

How can you rise above your competition in an oversaturated market? We’ve all found ourselves in competition with similar brands. These competitors are often doing the exact same thing as us, and sometimes they do the service better! This is a situation that makes or breaks an organization, and there seems to be only one way to survive. (more…)

Phil Jones, Best Selling Author and Business Educator

#120: The Magic Words That Make Your Business Storytelling More Persuasive

#120: The Magic Words That Make Your Business Storytelling More Persuasive

There has always been a stigma around sales. Of all the aspects of business, the sales process is the least trusted facet of the team, and for good reason!

Salespersons are known to be pushy, overbearing, conniving, and to take advantage of the naive. (more…)

Lee Einhorn, Creative Director at Venables Bell & Partners

#119: How REI’s #OptOutside Campaign Reflected a Powerful Brand Purpose

#119: How REI’s #OptOutside Campaign Reflected a Powerful Brand Purpose

Every business has its own set of values. Either for publicity purposes or genuine care, all organizations have principals that guide the direction of the brand’s growth.

But what if your values were in conflict with that growth? Would you be willing to set aside profit to keep in line with your personal story? Authentic story brand marketing demands a fearless commitment to your character, and today’s guest will discuss how living up to your values is the key to success. (more…)

Gideon For-mukwai, Founder of Story Warrior Associates

#118: How to Become a Storytelling Warrior

#118: How to Become a Storytelling Warrior

When you’re presenting on stage, chairing a meeting, or even talking with a friend at a coffee shop, you may find yourself struggling to give your idea a sense of importance. I mean, how can you convey the depths of your imagination through simple conversation? (more…)

Jay Feitlinger, Founder of Stringcan Interactive

#117: How to Balance Your Family and Business Stories to Create Healthy Growth

#117: How to Balance Your Family and Business Stories to Create Healthy Growth

What if the company you ran was recognized with the prestigious “Best Places to Work” award, but life at home was not what it could be?

Would you change? (more…)