The Business of Story Podcast with Host Park Howell just named the Business of Story the #1 business storytelling podcast for 2022.

Hosted by Park Howell, known as the world’s most industrious storyteller, the Business of Story is ranked among the top 10% of downloaded podcasts internationally.

The goal of the show is to help sales and marketing leaders excel through the stories they tell.  Each episode brings you the brightest storytelling content creators, advertising creatives, authors, screenwriters, makers, marketers, and brand raconteurs that show you how to craft and tell compelling stories that sell. #StoryOn!

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134+ FIVE STAR reviews from our fans and couple of trolls:

  • “Awesome, actionable and INTERESTING.”
  • “Captivating and informative.”  
  • “Outstanding show. A must listen.”
  • “I love the amount of tactical, strategic, and inspirational content in this podcast.”
  • “An excellent resource for business communicators.”
  • “Blown away!”

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Tom Matte, Advertising Veteran

#136: What You Can Learn From a Brand Storyteller Who Broke His Brain With Drugs

#136: What You Can Learn From a Brand Storyteller Who Broke His Brain With Drugs

Our subconscious mind is one of our greatest mysteries. Sigmund Freud believed that the conscious mind is only the tip of the iceberg, and the enormous subconscious was an ocean of thoughts, feelings, memories, and instincts all meshing to create ourselves. (more…)

Tim Washer, Comedian, Emcee, Keynote Speaker

#135: How to Connect Using Comedic Stories in Your Corporate Communications

#135: How to Connect Using Comedic Stories in Your Corporate Communications

The jury may still be out among corporate misfits, malcontents and miscreants, but pretty much everyone else agrees that storytelling is about the best way to connect emotions. Especially with comedy. (more…)

Richard Lang, Author of Virtual Country: Strategy for 21st Century Democracy

#134: How To Make Your Story Heard on Capitol Hill

#134: How To Make Your Story Heard on Capitol Hill

No matter what end of the spectrum you’re on, politics is exhausting.

In our polarized world of fake news, Russian hacks, gun control, building the wall, LBGTQ rights, the endless cycle of controversy wears us down.  Even slight ideological differences can turn similar people into bitter enemies. (more…)

Ryan Foland, Founder of Influence Tree

Jess Ostroff, Founder of Don't Panic Management

#132: How a Virtual Assistant Can Make Your Business Panic Proof

#132: How a Virtual Assistant Can Make Your Business Panic Proof

Launching Business of Story two years ago at the young age of 55, I realized that I was the proverbial middle-aged-one-arm-paperhanger finding clients, serving their needs, marketing my wares and paying the bills. (more…)

Jay Golden, Founder of Retellable

#131: How to Make Your Brand and Business Stories Retellable

#131: How to Make Your Brand and Business Stories Retellable

When I saw James Cameron’s Titanic, I had a fairly good idea of how it would end. I knew the entire sequence of events of this historic voyage before I’d ever set foot in that theater. (more…)

George Grombacher, Host of the Money Savage Podcast

#130: How to Find the Value in Your Purpose-Driven Brand Story

#130: How to Find the Value in Your Purpose-Driven Brand Story

Businesses are quickly realizing the power of brand story marketing. When you have an authentic story with values your customers can relate to, your prospects of success skyrocket. (more…)

Sheila Carroll, Professional Storyteller

#129: How to Grow Your Brand and Business Through Your Life Story

#129: How to Grow Your Brand and Business Through Your Life Story

There’s only one way for someone to see through your eyes.

It’s through your story. (more…)

storyteller at microsoft, nusiness storytelling, speaker, brand stories

Miri Rodriguez, Storyteller at Microsoft

#128: The Four Story Pillars of Microsoft’s Brand Storytelling

#128: The Four Story Pillars of Microsoft’s Brand Storytelling

You might not realize it, but right now you are in the middle of your own Hero’s Journey.

Your lifelong story of triumph, defeat, and resurgence has brought you to where you stand today, with your experiences and wisdom building your character. When we reflect on our journey, we often think of our own personal growth. (more…)

Mark Schenk

Mark Schenk, Managing Director of Anecdote

#127: The Business Case for Purposeful Brand Storytelling

#127 The Business Case for Purposeful Brand Storytelling

When it comes to sharing your story, there is nothing more important than creating an authentic connection. In order for the audience to live vicariously through the experiences and emotions of your story, it is critical for you to first humanize yourself and your cause. (more…)