❖ Archive for Business of Story Magazine ❖

How to Build Empathy in Your Leadership Stories
Business storytelling is about more than just engaging and captivating You want to help your customers, employees, and other stakeholders. You want to tell stories to influence, motivate, and lead.…

Don’t Invent Your Story, Spotlight it!
As a brand creator, I talk with a lot of entrepreneurs who are worried and lost when it comes to thinking about using their story to grow their business. They…

How to Create Your Personal Brand Story to Grow Your Business
I’ve learned the importance of creating my personal brand story when I launched my own consultancy a decade ago. I had led new business for a number of advertising agencies…

Growing from Startup to Scale-Up
Starting a business has never been easier, but growing a startup and scaling it to become a big business is harder than ever. Most who try get stuck or hit…