The Business of Story Podcast with Host Park Howell just named the Business of Story the #1 business storytelling podcast for 2022.
Hosted by Park Howell, known as the world’s most industrious storyteller, the Business of Story is ranked among the top 10% of downloaded podcasts internationally.
The goal of the show is to help sales and marketing leaders excel through the stories they tell. Each episode brings you the brightest storytelling content creators, advertising creatives, authors, screenwriters, makers, marketers, and brand raconteurs that show you how to craft and tell compelling stories that sell. #StoryOn!
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- “Awesome, actionable and INTERESTING.”
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- “Outstanding show. A must listen.”
- “I love the amount of tactical, strategic, and inspirational content in this podcast.”
- “An excellent resource for business communicators.”
- “Blown away!”
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#116: How To Use Business Storytelling To Move You From Heretic To Hero
#116: How to Use Business Storytelling to Move You From Heretic to Hero
Only when faced with a great adversary does our true character show. Modern humans rarely find themselves in such a situation, many never will. (more…)
#115: How to Speak More Creativity In Your Business Storytelling
#115: How To Speak More Creatively In Your Business Storytelling
We often see creative people as larger than life. People like Elon Musk, Maya Angelou, and Leonardo Da Vinci seem to have achieved a level of genius that is beyond anything we could ever imagine. (more…)
#114: Sonic Storytelling: How to Create A Legendary Brand With The Power of Sound
#114: Sonic Storytelling: How to Create A Legendary Brand With The Power of Sound
Every day dozens of brands sneak into your mind. This genius performance of brand marketing happens on a level so subtle, you often won’t recognize it has happened. How is this possible? (more…)
#113: The Secrets to Creating Successful and Profitable Online Courses
#113: The Secrets To Creating Successful And Profitable Online Courses
Every business professional has invaluable wisdom. But it’s difficult to teach in a manner that sticks. Proficiency in teaching is critical for any professional, and today’s guest will help you refine your skill, especially with your online course. (more…)
#112: How to Sell Without Feeling Salesy With Your Brand Stories
#112: How to Sell Without Feeling “Salesy” With Your Brand Stories
We all have tremendous difficulty making a request.
It’s a humbling experience for everyone; you’re exposing your vulnerability to a person who has what you need. You may feel that your message is so compelling that customers will immediately decide to get involved, but almost always, they need a direct invitation. (more…)
#111: How to Tell Your Story with Immersive Virtual Reality
#111: How to Tell Your Story with Immersive Virtual Reality
On Wednesday, August 30, I toppled out of bed with vertigo. I’ve never experienced it before. I sat up in bed, flopped my feet on the floor and away I went. My brain was suddenly bombarded by a kaleidoscope of opaque tubes, kind of like you’re falling through a narrow ice cave. (more…)
#110: Movie Storytelling Secrets to Make Your Business Presentations Epic
#110: Movie Storytelling Secrets to Make Your Business Presentations Epic
PowerPoints are a unique medium; they have the incredible ability to bore your audience to death.
Bullet points, stats, and slides with a hundred words are an effective way of putting people into a deep sleep. But what if you could make your presentation thrilling? Is it possible to channel emotions into creating a powerful visual narrative that is not only relatable, but also exciting? (more…)
#109: How Open Are You To The Impact Your Brand Story Can Make In the World?
#109: How Open Are You To The Impact Your Brand Story Can Make In The World?
We often forget that success is not measured in money. (more…)
#108: How To Use Story To Connect With The Kid In All Of Us
#108: How To Use Story To Connect With The Kid In All Of Us
Often, it’s incredibly difficult to connect with your audience.
We’ve all been in that frustrating position. It’s not easy to find the common ground that can make the difference between a message working or not. But there is one big aspect that everyone on earth can relate to, and you can use to your advantage and create a powerful message. (more…)
#107: Using Story To Evolve a Dream Job Into Your Dream Life
#107: Using Story To Evolve a Dream Job Into Your Dream Life
Have you ever had a long time achievement become a disappointment? Or worse, your dream becomes a disaster? (more…)