The Business of Story Podcast with Host Park Howell just named the Business of Story the #1 business storytelling podcast for 2022.

Hosted by Park Howell, known as the world’s most industrious storyteller, the Business of Story is ranked among the top 10% of downloaded podcasts internationally.

The goal of the show is to help sales and marketing leaders excel through the stories they tell.  Each episode brings you the brightest storytelling content creators, advertising creatives, authors, screenwriters, makers, marketers, and brand raconteurs that show you how to craft and tell compelling stories that sell. #StoryOn!

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134+ FIVE STAR reviews from our fans and couple of trolls:

  • “Awesome, actionable and INTERESTING.”
  • “Captivating and informative.”  
  • “Outstanding show. A must listen.”
  • “I love the amount of tactical, strategic, and inspirational content in this podcast.”
  • “An excellent resource for business communicators.”
  • “Blown away!”

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Buddy Scalera - Senior Director Content Strategy at The Medicines Company

#65: Why Conflict Resolution is at the Center of Compelling Brand Storytelling

#65: Why Conflict Resolution is at the Center of Compelling Brand Storytelling

You can use business storytelling to give people a reason to make a behavior change and to do that, you’ve just got to give customers an emotional reason to do something. But it can be difficult for us, as marketers, to get out of our business minds and into our emotional brain. Therefore, we can apply some of the best storytelling ideals from the comic book industry to humanize and have more fun with our marketing content and nudge the world in any direction we choose. (more…)


Kate Volman - Digital Marketing Strategist

#64: Now is the Time to Dive Into Live Video Streaming for Brand Storytelling

#64: Now Is The Time to Dive Into Live Video Streaming For Brand Storytelling

Social media has become a powerful force for brand building, and more content is being produced and consumed daily than ever before. But this democratization of communication where everyone can be a 24/7 publisher and broadcaster makes it difficult to be seen and heard in our Attention Economy. Therefore, live streaming video is becoming the dominant choice to rise above the noise and move people to action. (more…)

Brian Scudamore - Founder & CEO at 1-800-Got-Junk

#63: Three Storytelling Crafting Tips to Build Enterprises and Grow Bigger Businesses

#63: Three Story Crafting Tips to Build Enterprises and Grow Bigger Businesses

Boy, do I have a fascinating guest for you today!

This guy didn’t graduate from high school. Even so, he managed to talk his way into college, only to skip out on that, too, in favor of chasing an inspiration he had while eating a McDonald’s Big Mac. (more…)

Paul Smith - Author, Speaker, Consultant

#62: 6 Attributes of Compelling Stories that Sell

#62: 6 Attributes of Compelling Stories that Sell

I’ve got a question for you: do swine swim?

That’s right. Do pigs swim? And if they do swim, do they dog paddle or do they pig paddle? How can you use the story of a swimming pig to sell expensive photography? We’ll answer these and many more business story questions on this episode. (more…)


Shane McLaughlin – Senior Manager of Content and Social Strategy at Walmart

#61: The Four C’s to Building Employee Advocacy Through Storytelling

#61: The Four C’s to Building Employee Advocacy Through Storytelling

I met today’s guest at Social Media Marketing World following my Business of Story workshop. We hit it off immediately. I’m honored to have Shane McLaughlin, Senior Manager, Content and Social Strategy on Business of Story. (more…)


Melissa Agnes – Crisis Management Strategist at Agnes + Day Inc.

#60: How to Use Brand Storytelling for Crisis Management

#60: How to Use Brand Storytelling for Crisis Management

If you’ve been following along with the Business of Story, you know that we’ve recorded about 60 episodes so far. Our special guest today covers a subject we have not yet touched upon: crisis story management. (more…)


Mike Martin – Vice President of Operations at Brokk Inc

#59: How to Make Your Brand Story Your Customers’ Story

#59: How to Make Your Brand Story Your Customers’ Story

Are you asking your customers the right questions, and listening to what they have to say? This is how successful brands connect with audiences and control the conversation surrounding their brand story. (more…)


Jennifer Keitt – Life Coach & Talk Show Host

How Finding Your Story Can Set You Free

#58: How Finding Your Story Can Set You Free

What story have you been telling yourself every day? Are you following your passion? Jennifer Keitt, life coach and host of The Jennifer Keitt Show, joins the Business of Story Podcast to discuss how to own your personal story and follow it to success. Through defining your personal story, you’ll be able to discover your true path.  (more…)


Michael Stelzner – Founder & CEO of Social Media Examiner

How to Inspire Customers to Tell Your Brand Story

#57: How to Inspire Customers to Tell Your Brand Story

Brands aren’t just storytellers – they’re story creators, too. Once you have your brand story straight, let customers and followers help you tell it through shareable moments and experiences. Social Media Examiner‘s Founder and CEO Michael Stelzner joins the Business of Story podcast to discuss about why creating fantastic events can help build your brand’s story, the future of algorithms, and the importance of having your own digital home ground. (more…)


Don Yaeger – Speaker, Author & Business Coach

How 16 Characteristics of Greatness Apply to Storytelling

#56: How 16 Characteristics of Greatness Apply to Storytelling Marketing

What are the 16 characteristics of greatness, and how you can apply them to your storytelling marketing? Don Yaeger, award-winning keynote speaker, business leadership coach, and an eight-time New York Times Best-selling author, joins us for the Business of Story podcast to discuss how empathy and asking the right questions are the core of compelling storytelling. (more…)