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4 Easy Steps to Clarify Your Brand Position Statement

Every epic brand story starts with a positioning statement that differentiates you from the masses Leo Tolstoy, the famous Russian author, wrestled with the existential crisis of finding meaning in…

Park Howell

The growing need for powerful business storytelling featured at Social Media Marketing World 2016

The importance of storytelling in business pervaded Social Media Marketing World 2016. Whether it’s real-time stories shared on Facebook Live, Periscope, or, to how you approach visual storytelling on Instagram, to…

Park Howell

How to Craft a Potent Brand Statement for Your Professional Services Firm

Think of your brand statement as a Hollywood logline. A logline is a one or two sentence description of your movie that hopefully captivates a studio and convinces them to make…

Park Howell

6 ways to grow your business when you have your brand story straight

I have been in advertising for more than 30 years, and I remember when the introduction of the fax machine was a breathtaking technological leap forward for business. Seriously. It was…

Park Howell

What B2B marketers can learn from the Doritos “Ultrasound” Super Bowl TV Spot

As all of you students in my Executive Master of Sustainability Leadership communications course know, a universal structure to storytelling pervades our lives. We see it in the movies we…

Park Howell

Why business storytelling is always about the personal dilemmas behind your professional pursuits

Story marketing must be at the heart of your content marketing Every business leader or communicator must “humanize” their brand. This is especially true for the cold, feature-and-function advertising that professional services firms run. But a…

Park Howell

How Downton Abbey resembles B2B marketing

I admit it. I’m a Downton Abbey fan. My wife and I started watching it around the first season of Breaking Bad. If Breaking Bad is the opiate of TV programming, then…

Park Howell

Cartman’s Storytelling Secret Every CMO Should Steal

I teach business storytelling workshops around the country and taught in the Executive Master’s for Sustainability Leadership program at Arizona State University, and the impact these newly story-empowered executives have when they…

Park Howell