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Facebook memes and their message to brand storytellers

Seven years ago, I committed myself to understanding story structure and how we can use storytelling to nudge the world in any direction we choose. I’ve studied what Hollywood knows…

Park Howell

How social media is humanizing corporations

Command and control. It is one of the lasting corporate legacies of the industrial age. But its grip is weakening. For 100 years, most American companies have approached corporate culture…

Park Howell

Teaching a fly fishing guide from Lee’s Ferry how to fish with social media

“Oh no,” you’re thinking. “Not another ‘how to’ social media training from a social media ‘expert.’” You’re right on both accounts. I’m no self-proclaimed social media guru, and this isn’t…

Park Howell

Social media training is more effective through visual storytelling

The Power of Story Part II: “Social Media and the Storyteller” from on Vimeo. Do you feel cornered by social media? “Like” this. Tweet that. Friend me. Poke you.…

Park Howell

Is social media deadening our storytelling skills?

More of my Q&A on the power of storytelling from Dr. Kathy Hansen’s A Storied Career blog. Q: The storytelling movement seems to be growing explosively. Why now? What is…

Park Howell