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Why you should think like a screenwriter to humanize your B2B content marketing

I love this poster for Justin Trevor Winters’ new movie. It depicts Richard Dreyfuss’ character as a retired high school gym teacher willing to do whatever it takes to leave…

Park Howell

The 1 rule you must obey when crafting brand stories

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. Confucius told us that centuries ago. I learned this lesson, AGAIN, yesterday. I was teaching storytelling to 7th and…

Park Howell

A simple 3-step strategy that will inspire your business storytelling

Plus 6 great story insights and one terrific quote Some of my clients and students tell me that they don’t lead interesting enough lives to have great stories. Nothing ever…

Park Howell

New book efficiently delivers productivity advice

My head has been spinning with To Do’s. I think much of my anxiety from running a small business comes from not having my act together. Instead of following a regimen…

Park Howell

5 Proven Elements to a Powerful Business Story

Back in the day, I wrote and produced hundreds of radio spots. Some hysterical. Some thought-provoking. Some duds. Ok, several. This one was killer: Michael Angelo painting the Sistine Chapel fighting a leaky roof.…

Park Howell

What happens when you don’t own your brand story?

I showed this one-minute video in one of our storytelling workshops and asked the room what they saw. The woman sitting directly to my left turned to the other 12…

Park Howell

How storytelling helps brands bond with customers for life

I woke up this morning thinking about the brand rituals I follow so I could share them in this post. But I was at a loss. Do I have any…

Park Howell
story, storytelling, story structure, park howell

How our survival (and your success at a party) is based on three-act stories

In her excellent book, Wired for Story, Lisa Cron describes how we can go weeks without food, days without drinking, but only about 35 seconds without finding meaning in something.…

Park Howell

Infographic: Storytelling is not just for campfires

I’m curating infographics about storytelling in business on Pinterest. New Fathom Events created this graphic that does a nice job of explaining why storytelling is so important, but does not…

Park Howell

Infographic: Storytelling vs Corporate Speak

It’s not rocket science. It’s brain science. Storytelling is how we’re hardwired to understand the world. And anyone can tell compelling stories. So turn your jargon into journeys, your info…

Park Howell