The 3 Story Elements That Humanize Your Purpose-Driven Brand
How to define your brand’s promise, gift and personality Recently, I found myself in a 19th century barn in Haarlemmermeer, a suburb of Amsterdam, delivering a Business of Story masterclass. Ilknur Donmez,…
The universal story structure of an international water conservation campaign
There is a universal pattern to story that underpins all of our lives. Joseph Campbell, America’s foremost mythologist, called it the Hero’s Journey, or monomyth. The Hero’s Journey is the structure…
How to use the Hero’s Journey to create epic business stories for your B2B marketing
Have you ever struggled to get an important concept across to your peers? We’ve all been there. The powerpoint that sucked. The big idea that didn’t penetrate smaller minds. The…
Budweiser’s Super Bowl spot wins with simple, proven story structure
Aristotle would laugh at the basic story structure of the new Budweiser Super Bowl spot. It’s a winner because our minds simply can’t resist the Story Cycle. Watch and see if…