How NOT to become an MBA zombie
I teach storytelling workshops to business executives and sustainability professionals around the country, and I’m always gratified to see how people from every imaginable endeavor naturally embrace story. But some…

Purpose-driven marketing made easier through new book: Good Works!
When people find out that I own an ad agency, they always ask, “What’s your specialty?” “Are you an automotive agency? A health care marketing firm? Consumer products? B2B?” My…

Can Creativity Really Increase Sales?
Do award-winning TV spots generate more sales than your typical, “50% off, buy now, this weekend only!” commercial? “Absolutely!” according to a 10-year global study of creativity and advertising that…

6 proven ways to get to “YES” with your business storytelling
“What in the hell was I thinking?” How many times have you asked yourself this following a less-than-spectacular decision, especially at the ass end of a dumb purchase? Instead…

Are you practicing creative destruction as a green marketer?
If you’re following the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) hearings, you’ll find that this digital land grab by the government follows “The Cycle,” the same rise, capture and fall of every…

5 steps to positive behavior change every chief sustainability officer and green marketer should know
Successful marketers focus on amplifying consumer behavior. Come in today. 30% off, this weekend only. Buy one get one free. Green marketers, on the other hand, are typically about changing…

5 Ways to Make Your Nonprofit Marketing More Fun
The frozen food aisle felt great yesterday, offering a delicious reprieve to a 113 degree Arizona Saturday afternoon. Then I heard the announcement over the PA system: “We just got…

Are you following the new rules of green marketing?
She corrected me immediately. I said that the word “Green” was losing its voracity in green marketing. Jacquelyn Ottman, author of the new book, “The New Rules of Green Marketing,”…

Don’t put off reading this post.
I’ve been putting off writing this post for a long time. The resistance has been strong. But given that it’s a new year, and all of our resolutions are on…