What happens when you don’t own your brand story?
I showed this one-minute video in one of our storytelling workshops and asked the room what they saw. The woman sitting directly to my left turned to the other 12…

How storytelling helps brands bond with customers for life
I woke up this morning thinking about the brand rituals I follow so I could share them in this post. But I was at a loss. Do I have any…

How our survival (and your success at a party) is based on three-act stories
In her excellent book, Wired for Story, Lisa Cron describes how we can go weeks without food, days without drinking, but only about 35 seconds without finding meaning in something.…

Are you this sanctimonious sustainability jerk?
Modern Family guest star, Jesse Eisenberg, portrayed one of the most hilarious over-the-top environmentalist that I have seen. If you’re a passionate chief sustainability officer, please remember to tell stories…

How UPS’ viral story has our brains hopped-up on oxytocin and why it matters to marketers
I have been studying neuroeconomist Paul Zak’s work on storytelling and how it actually changes the chemistry in our brain. When we’re seduced by a good story, we produce cortisol,…

Infographic: Storytelling vs Corporate Speak
It’s not rocket science. It’s brain science. Storytelling is how we’re hardwired to understand the world. And anyone can tell compelling stories. So turn your jargon into journeys, your info…

Is storytelling our ultimate survival tool?
The more work I do in helping sustainability practitioners communicate, the greater appreciation I have for the power of story to help us save ourselves from ourselves. This was underscored…

How to Tell Compelling Stories to Drive Donations for Your Social Cause
Goodwill of Central Arizona will help more than 23,000 people find employment this year through its workforce development programs. Goodwill relies on your donations for the inventory it sells through…

What social marketers can learn from a common man’s story on NPR’s StoryCorps
Once I learned about the Hero’s Journey from Joseph Campbell’s work, it started appearing everywhere. This universal pattern to story permeates all of our lives. It’s not only in the stories…

How the sharing economy accommodated us in France
Michele and I had never used AirBnB until our recent three-week adventure through France. There was a terrific article in the NY Times today about the vacation rental company in…