A 3-part recipe for humorous digital storytelling from Onion Labs
Most people view social media as a break in their busy schedule. They escape from whatever they’re doing and start scrolling. But the endless toilet paper roll of content makes…
The universal story structure of an international water conservation campaign
There is a universal pattern to story that underpins all of our lives. Joseph Campbell, America’s foremost mythologist, called it the Hero’s Journey, or monomyth. The Hero’s Journey is the structure…
How to use story to connect with your B2B customers and drive growth for your professional services firm
For business leaders, marketers and sales executives in professional services firms who want dynamic growth for their organization and people, business storytelling is the foundation for all of your successful…
What B2B marketers can learn from the Doritos “Ultrasound” Super Bowl TV Spot
As all of you students in my Executive Master of Sustainability Leadership communications course know, a universal structure to storytelling pervades our lives. We see it in the movies we…
How to use the Hero’s Journey to create epic business stories for your B2B marketing
Have you ever struggled to get an important concept across to your peers? We’ve all been there. The powerpoint that sucked. The big idea that didn’t penetrate smaller minds. The…
Why business storytelling is always about the personal dilemmas behind your professional pursuits
Story marketing must be at the heart of your content marketing Every business leader or communicator must “humanize” their brand. This is especially true for the cold, feature-and-function advertising that professional services firms run. But a…
How Downton Abbey resembles B2B marketing
I admit it. I’m a Downton Abbey fan. My wife and I started watching it around the first season of Breaking Bad. If Breaking Bad is the opiate of TV programming, then…
How to create a thriving culture for your professional services firm through the stories you tell
All great business leadership has three dimensions to it, according John Oechsle, President and CEO of Swiftpage, the providers of ACT! customer relationship management (CRM) software for small business. Oechsle…
Is global business exciting or scary?
I was honored to be part of a panel for a Global Chamber of Commerce gathering yesterday morning discussing the merits of global business in Arizona. Doug Bruhnke, founder of the Global…
10 reasons/ways to be a more powerful B2B marketing storyteller: #6 hurts
I have a business storytelling brother from a different mother, and we grew up across the great pond from each other. His name is Bryan Adams, founder of Ph-Creative in…