Posts by Park Howell

10 quick questions to help you own your brand story

No one will buy into your brand story until you own it first. I’ve found for the past 10 years guiding brands through the Story Cycle process that if you can get…

Park Howell

10 Ways to Own Your Brand Story to Grow Your Business

 Business storytelling is about differentiating your brand story and then OWNING IT! The three concerns I hear most from business leaders and communicators about their brands: No one knows what our…

Park Howell

3 tools to keep your B2B brand story from falling down

Are your brand stories as skewed as Escher? Get your brand story straight with any of these tools: Your DIY Brand Story Strategy Workbook Free online storytelling course The What’s Your Story field guide…

Park Howell

The 3 Crucial Mile Markers to get Customers to Buy Into Your Brand Story

The customer journey map of brand awareness, adoption and appreciation. All lasting brands are built by creating happy patrons, and mapping your customer journey is an important process to build…

Park Howell

The 3 Story Elements That Humanize Your Purpose-Driven Brand

How to define your brand’s promise, gift and personality Recently, I found myself in a 19th century barn in Haarlemmermeer, a suburb of Amsterdam, delivering a Business of Story masterclass. Ilknur Donmez,…

Park Howell

What is the story behind your body of work?

I just finished Pamela Slim’s terrific book, Body of Work: Finding the Thread That Ties Your Story Together. You probably remember Pam from her first blockbuster, Escape From Cubicle Nation: From…

Park Howell

Rocking the Casbah: The Story Behind Where the Beatles Really Got Their Start

What is truly authentic? I was born in 1961. On Valentine’s day. The Beatles were in their infancy, too. They started playing clubs in Liverpool in 1959. Most historians point…

Park Howell

What are the Villains, Fog and Crevasses in Your Personal or Professional Brand Story?

3 antagonists you must vanquish for successful B2B marketing The conference room at the Sheraton LAX was cold as a morgue.  Two hundred screenwriter wannabes sat like zombies enraptured by Robert McKee. After all, he…

Park Howell

3 steps to creating a powerful value proposition for your purpose-driven brand

What B2B marketers can learn from Hollywood B2C value propositions All business leaders and communicators have important brand stories to tell. But most aren’t being heard, especially in your B2B…

Park Howell

Making debate cool again by crafting and telling the right brand story

The power of brand storytelling on the national stage Given the wacky election cycle we’re in, you don’t have to look far for how the power of a good story…

Park Howell