The 3 branding downfalls of start-ups
Start-ups often focus on getting operations off the ground and quick hits in sales and marketing to provide immediate lift. What they don’t pay attention to – much to the detriment…

New Burning Man film celebrates the places you can go
Creativity either touches a person or pushes them away. Rarely is there a middle ground. Our son Parker, with his friends Will Walsh and Teddy Saunders, just posted their documentary…

New TV spots for Goodwill of Central AZ explore your donation options
The heros in our new 30 second TV spots for Goodwill of Central Arizona are people donating their clothing and household items. We follow their journeys navigating the many tempting…

Are you practicing creative destruction as a green marketer?
If you’re following the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) hearings, you’ll find that this digital land grab by the government follows “The Cycle,” the same rise, capture and fall of every…

This is why we share our stories about sustainability
I have a gift for you. Give me just five minutes of your day – right now – and I’ll take you on one of the most restive, yet inspirational,…

How not to make your green marketing a joke
I’ve been getting in trouble lately from the green marketing community. They think my “Got Green? and 10 Other Brand Curdling Cliches of Green Marketing” presentation is making fun of…

Is your neighborhood donation bin laundering your clothing to for-profit retailers?
“Clunk, slam!” is the hollow thanks you get when a collection bin devours your donated items. You may think that the sack of clothes you just stuffed through the metal…

Green marketing and the five steps to a more sustainable brand
I recently wrote a post about Coal Burger and its ironic and unfortunate brand positioning of being a “Green” burger joint. They are good people that own and run the…

5 steps to positive behavior change every chief sustainability officer and green marketer should know
Successful marketers focus on amplifying consumer behavior. Come in today. 30% off, this weekend only. Buy one get one free. Green marketers, on the other hand, are typically about changing…