The Business of Story Podcast with Host Park Howell just named the Business of Story the #1 business storytelling podcast for 2022.

Hosted by Park Howell, known as the world’s most industrious storyteller, the Business of Story is ranked among the top 10% of downloaded podcasts internationally.

The goal of the show is to help sales and marketing leaders excel through the stories they tell.  Each episode brings you the brightest storytelling content creators, advertising creatives, authors, screenwriters, makers, marketers, and brand raconteurs that show you how to craft and tell compelling stories that sell. #StoryOn!

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Scott Page

#299: How to Use S.P.A.C.E. to Share Your Business Story

#299: How to Use S.P.A.C.E. to Share Your Business Story

There are many frameworks to tell great brand stories. But you have to find the right one for you and your business that feels totally natural – not forced.

In this episode, we will explore a special acronym and storytelling technique created by Scott Page, an accomplished musician whose saxophone and rhythm guitar work has collaborated with bands such as Pink Floyd, Supertramp and Toto and has led to a remarkable entrepreneurial career with several successful tech companies. 


Jaci & Michael Russo

#298: How to Scale Your Brand Storytelling for Reach and Impact

#298: How to Scale Your Brand Storytelling for Reach and Impact

Good stories – and brands – scale. The key is that you have to share your story from your audiences’ perspective so that they will make your story their story. What makes you special, and are you fulfilling that promise at every level?  When you deliver on those promises to your customers, the scaling begins.

Two people who know a ton about brand story scaling are Jaci and Michael Russo of brandRUSSO, a strategic branding agency in Lafayette, Louisiana. I’ve known Jaci since 2008 when Michael Gass of Fuel Lines hosted five of us agency owners in Birmingham, Alabama to help us sort our our own brand stories. 

Listen as Jaci and Michael provide another way to look at your brand story through their four-step process. (more…)

Lisa Cron

#297: Business Storytelling and the Art of Practical Empathy

#297: Business Storytelling and the Art of Practical Empathy

One thing we can probably all agree on is that we’ve never lived in a more polarized time. But on either side of an argument, facts just don’t work when you want to try to change someone’s mind. If you focus on using story to help your audience comprehend your story internally in their own hearts and minds, your message has a much higher chance of being understood, appreciated and remembered.

On this week’s show we have one of my favorite authors on storytelling, Lisa Cron, here to talk about her new amazing book, Story or Die: How to Use Brain Science to Engage, Persuade, and Change Minds in Business and in Life. It’s a step-by-step guide to using the brain’s hardwired need for story to achieve any goal.

Lisa is a story coach, speaker, and the author of Wired for Story and Story Genius. Tune in as we explore the art of practical empathy and why your audiences are moved by emotion – not data.


Matthew Woodget

#296: The T.R.I.P.S Storytelling Framework to Drive Results

#296: The T.R.I.P.S Storytelling Framework to Drive Results

Many people believe storytelling involves long-winded narratives. But brevity can be even more impactful.

Matthew Woodget shares his unique T.R.I.P.S. storytelling framework (based on his studies of the intersection of story structure) that can help your audience understand and retain your stories. He loves to use metaphors like “Story API” because he says metaphors are a shortcut to meaning. 

Matthew is a technologist, marketer, and storyteller whose marketing pedigree spans over 20 years. He heads up Go Narrative where he helps marketers and entrepreneurs reduce frustration, increase reach and drive growth using story structures. He’s a status quo challenger who is passionate about finding a better way to clarity.

Listen as he shares his expertise on how to utilize metaphors to convey big ideas and data to make your stories stand out.


Shep Hyken

#295: How to Create Amazing Customer Experiences Using Story

#295: How to Create Amazing Customer Experiences Using Story

Shep working at the Playboy Club

Are you always looking for your next new customer? Many brands focus too much on growth and not delivering excellent service to their existing customers. 

Customer service experience expert, best-selling author, and Chief Amazement Officer of Shepard Presentations, Shep Hyken, shares some easy things you can do to create what he calls “Moments of Magic” with your employees, customers, vendors, and anyone who comes in contact with your brand to drive loyalty.

Shep works with companies and organizations who want to build loyal relationships with their customers and employees and has authored six books including Moments of Magic®, The Loyal Customer and The Cult of the Customer.

Listen as Shep shares how to use business storytelling to create amazing customer experiences to help make your story their story. 


Andy Wakefield

#294: 3 Story Elements of a Winning Campaign

#294: Three Story Elements of a Winning Campaign

Have you ever had an ad campaign fall flat on its face? I know I have. 

And it might be because I didn’t know what singular problem I was solving and specifically for who.

Had I only been taught the three story elements one should always consider when creating your content back then. Luckily my good friend Andy Wakefield, author of How to be More Famous Than Me in Advertising: By Someone You Have Never Heard of Before, shares the three proven elements to create winning campaigns he’s used in his 40+ year storied advertising career in this episode.

You can learn a lot about how to tell a story by modeling what Andy shares in his book. We’ll not only review his work, but you’ll learn the three proven elements that you should consider in creating any brand. 


Randy Olson

#293: One Framework That Strengthens Your Business Storytelling

#293: One Framework That Strengthens Your Business Storytelling

Your brand’s products or services offer a lot of value to your customers. And you want to share how you can help them through your marketing communications to better your sales efforts and cultivate brand loyalty.

But, your stories are only effective if you can refine your messages down to a singular narrative so you’re not confusing your audiences and customers with a bunch of competing storylines. Simplicity rules!

In this episode, Randy Olson and I provide one big Story Marketing Moment that will teach you how to use the foundational narrative framework of the ABT to win with your business storytelling every time. 


Sarah Santacroce

#292: How to Kill It With Your Story of Kindness

#292: How to Kill It With Your Story of Kindness

Some people think that business often requires a level of cut-throat confidence. And for some industries that may be partially true. But we also forget that empathy and kindness can often get you the same results.

Today’s guest will show you how. Sarah Santacroce is the founder of  The Gentle Business Revolution, a global movement of people with common values who come together and support one another in all areas of life and business, and their goal is to bring more empathy and kindness to the business world. 

Sarah is the author of The Gentle Marketing Revolution: Grow Your Business Your Way With Kindness and the host of The Gentle Business Revolution podcast, a show that features guests who are creating sustainable businesses that help make a positive impact in the world. 

Sarah says that selling ourselves is hard, especially as an introvert, as she is. Funny enough it’s one of her superpowers to position other people in the spotlight and make them shine on LinkedIn, without coming over as boasting and sleazy. Listen to hear her insights on how you can succeed – and be kind – in your business.


Brian Mohr

#291: How to Use Music to Share Your Story Moments

#291: How to Use Music to Share Your Story Moments

One of the ways to trigger storied moments in your life that have shaped who you are today and what you stand for is through music – especially the artists and albums you listened to in your formative years.

And sharing those songs with people can help them better understand where you’re from and what you’re passionate about. But it isn’t just for friends; there’s also a benefit to sharing those stories with colleagues and clients.

Brian Mohr is channeling his experiences and energy towards unlocking the power of authentic human connection through his new startup, anthym, a social wellness company focused on helping culture-driven organizations create and nurture meaningful relationships amongst their people to create value for the business and the people.

How does it work? anthym can help you assemble a soundtrack of your life in an immersive, musical storytelling experience and share it with your colleagues and clients to connect scenes with stories. 

Listen as Brian shares how his new music platform enables you to capture the musical moments that trigger the stories that have shaped who you are today and how to use these moments to connect with your colleagues and clients.


Tim Ash

#290: Why Tap the Primal Brain for Storytelling?

#290: Why Tap the Primal Brain for Storytelling?

Your business stories must appeal to the primal survival instinct of the brain. When done well, stories are messaging hacks that allow you to cut through the noise and hook the hearts of your audience. But the only way to understand how our brains really work is to examine the complete evolutionary arc. That’s because once you understand how people process information, many behaviors (including your customers’) will become more predictable so you can grab their attention and truly connect with them.

Here to explore our cerebral world is Tim Ash, an acknowledged authority on evolutionary psychology and digital marketing. He is a sought-after international keynote speaker, and the bestselling author of Unleash Your Primal Brain: Demystifying How We Think and Why We Act.

In this episode Tim shares why we should tap into the primal brain of our customers with our business storytelling. 
