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Are your presentations flicking them off or turning them on?

When given the honor to command an audience, most presenters default to binary facts, figures, features and benefits. The trouble is that your audience’s light switch of interest can just…

Park Howell

Can Creativity Really Increase Sales?

Do award-winning TV spots generate more sales than your typical, “50% off, buy now, this weekend only!” commercial? “Absolutely!” according to a 10-year global study of creativity and advertising that…

Park Howell

Teaching a fly fishing guide from Lee’s Ferry how to fish with social media

“Oh no,” you’re thinking. “Not another ‘how to’ social media training from a social media ‘expert.’” You’re right on both accounts. I’m no self-proclaimed social media guru, and this isn’t…

Park Howell

A sustainable marketer is always a student

I’ve been quiet on my blog the past several days due to chaperoning 50 DECA students from Camelback High School around Manhattan. A giant shout out to Linda Shaub, Ryan…

Park Howell

Craft Your Elevator Pitch With This Simple Online Tool

What if you could write your 30-second elevator pitch in under five minutes? And it was actually good? helps you do just that. At first, I thought it was…

Park Howell