How to Use Small Stories for Huge Impact in Business Communications
The shovel, piano and teapot handles that groomed me as a story marketer Often in story marketing, you think you have to be epic in your storytelling. But most of us don’t have…
Grow your brand with three insights from Oracle’s Modern Customer Experience
Waste not, want not, with your story marketing to create epic customer experiences I had the honor of being invited as an influencer to Oracle’s Modern Customer Experience event this past week…
How Instinctual Storytelling Catches the Biggest Fish
You cannot resist the lure of a good story When making a business point, or sharing loads of data, wrap your content in the adventure of a story. Our reptilian brains…
7 Habits of the Highly Effective Storytelling Marketer
How to place story marketing at the core of your content strategy It was the summer of 2006. I was standing in the middle of the convention floor in Anaheim,…
What is Story Marketing and How You Can Master it
The 3 acts of story marketing that’ll make your content king (or queen) When was the last time you retold a listicle to a friend? How many parties have you owned…
What you can learn from the Sock Club’s fashionable brand story marketing
I thought I’d do my family a favor and email them my Christmas list this year. Yep, one of the items was socks. I got my first pair yesterday from…
Brand Storytelling is not About What You Make, but What You Make Happen
I was in Washington D.C. on Nov. 2 and 3 hosting a Business of Story mastermind class for the American Marketing Association. Nine of their member brands were in attendance to…
10 Brand Story Elements of REI’s Disruptive #OptOutside Black Friday Campaign
When I was a kid growing up North of Seattle, my dad would take us downtown to Recreational Equipment, Inc. (REI). This was in the 1970’s, and REI was…
10 surefire questions to ask when creating audience personas for your purpose-driven brand
Every story starts with empathy I love Jack Handey. His Deep Thoughts from Saturday Night Live always cracked me up. I came across the one above last week while reading Originals, How Non-Conformists…
Have you had business storytelling up the Wazzu?
Then create a brand story you can celebrate with your customers The new president of Washington State University cringed at the school’s legendary nickname: WAZZU. V. Lane Rawlins took the helm of…