Archive for Business Storytelling

5 Proven Elements to a Powerful Business Story

Back in the day, I wrote and produced hundreds of radio spots. Some hysterical. Some thought-provoking. Some duds. Ok, several. This one was killer: Michael Angelo painting the Sistine Chapel fighting a leaky roof.…

Park Howell

Cartman’s Storytelling Secret Every CMO Should Steal

I teach business storytelling workshops around the country and taught in the Executive Master’s for Sustainability Leadership program at Arizona State University, and the impact these newly story-empowered executives have when they…

Park Howell
story, storytelling, story structure, park howell

How our survival (and your success at a party) is based on three-act stories

In her excellent book, Wired for Story, Lisa Cron describes how we can go weeks without food, days without drinking, but only about 35 seconds without finding meaning in something.…

Park Howell

Stories propel beer brands up Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

I was leading a brand storytelling workshop the other day and explaining the relationship between how a well-told story engages an audience, which boosts them up Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs…

Park Howell

6 proven ways to get to “YES” with your business storytelling

  “What in the hell was I thinking?” How many times have you asked yourself this following a less-than-spectacular decision, especially at the ass end of a dumb purchase? Instead…

Park Howell

How to Create and Tell Great Stories that Sell

Network marketers grow their downliness product sales through compelling business and personal storytelling. I stepped onto the stage, throat dry, underarms moist. My adrenalin level rivaled that of a hyperactive…

Park Howell

Why an ad agency would promote its competition

Park&Co launched a “Buy Local Advertising” campaign, and I’ve already been told we’re crazy. Who in their right mind would promote their competition? We would. Have you ever heard that…

Park Howell

Sustainable Storytelling: How a Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures

When was the last time you found something shopping and mentally yelled, “Scooooooooore!”? You pictured yourself  knifing your arms above your head like a Super Bowl ref signaling a touchdown.…

Park Howell

10 Sustainable Brands that Turned Green Marketing Campaigns into Movements

How To Nurture Life-Long Customers through Green Marketing It’s not enough to just run ad campaigns anymore. Your customer has WAY more control over your brand story than ever before.…

Park Howell

How to Put the “Park” Back in Parking Lot

If you could change your story, would you? I think a lot of people would like to reinvent themselves and rewrite their lives. Author something new, fresh, daring, even adventurous.…

Park Howell