Posts by Park Howell

Walgreens could disarm home medicine cabinets for a powerful CSR program

I found this loaded gun in my medicine cabinet last night. This morning I went to Walgreens to dispose of it. I was surprised that one of America’s largest drug…

Park Howell

What CMOs and CSOs can learn from my failed hack of the healthcare system

The podiatrist was astonished when I showed him the x-rays of my foot. Incredulous, actually. “A what? A vet took these films?” he asked. I corrected him. “An equine veterinarian.…

Park Howell

The 5 ingredients that help green marketing campaigns grow organically

Don’t just stand there. Plant something! That’s the idea seedling we plant, fertilize and grow with the Plant Something campaign to encourage homeowners to beautify their landscapes and neighborhoods. As…

Park Howell

Purpose-driven marketing made easier through new book: Good Works!

When people find out that I own an ad agency, they always ask, “What’s your specialty?” “Are you an automotive agency? A health care marketing firm? Consumer products? B2B?” My…

Park Howell

Death-by-acronym for the J.C. Penney brand

J.C. Penney is taking a beating. The granddaddy of all neighborhood department stores has just announced that it is going from “brand building” to “business building” to help shore-up sales. According…

Park Howell

How social media is humanizing corporations

Command and control. It is one of the lasting corporate legacies of the industrial age. But its grip is weakening. For 100 years, most American companies have approached corporate culture…

Park Howell

Nike exercises its brand ideal for the Olympics

While McDonald’s fattens itself on its incongruous sponsorship with the Olympics (What were the revered games thinking?), Nike smartly exercises its brand ideal in this spot. What does your brand…

Park Howell

Man of action: Captain Jared Nelson goes fishing with social media

From goofy giddiness about the adventure ahead, to raw seriousness, Captain Jared Nelson’s demeanor changed immediately at the back of the boat. “How do I get more customers?” the fly…

Park Howell

Can Creativity Really Increase Sales?

Do award-winning TV spots generate more sales than your typical, “50% off, buy now, this weekend only!” commercial? “Absolutely!” according to a 10-year global study of creativity and advertising that…

Park Howell

Teaching a fly fishing guide from Lee’s Ferry how to fish with social media

“Oh no,” you’re thinking. “Not another ‘how to’ social media training from a social media ‘expert.’” You’re right on both accounts. I’m no self-proclaimed social media guru, and this isn’t…

Park Howell